2023 American Equestrians Got Talent returns!
For Inmediate Release

American Equestrian Got Talent (AEGT) is back for another packed season! We’re excited to invite everyone to attend the two live auditions: first audition will be Wednesday, February 8th, 2023, 6:00 pm at Stallion Restaurant; 1630 Polo Club Rd, Wellington, FL 33414. The second one will be Wednesday, March 8th, 20123, 6:00 at Yellow Pony – Pub & Garden; 8510 NW 17th Ln, Ocala, FL.
Name of the event:
AEGT- American Equestrians Got Talent Auditions
Cost per person: $60 per guest plus Tax and Gratuity.
Date: Wednesday,February 8th, 2023
Time: 6 pm dinner– 7pm show
Location: Stallion Restaurant: 1630 Polo Club Rd, Wellington, FL 33414
About Auditions
All types of performers are welcome: singers, magicians, comedians, jugglers, and everything in between. To audition online go to www.aegtusa.com and submit a video no longer than three minutes.
If participating in a virtual audition, and If you are selected as a finalist, you must participate in the finale in person. For the application you must upload the following items:
· Information form
· Brief introduction about yourself
· A Video of your performance.

About AEGT
“American Equestrians Got Talent” is the only show open to any age and any talent in the Equestrian Community. The auditions are a lifetime opportunity for performers across the nation to showcase their non-horsey talent. This experience is transformative for all! Mark your calendar and make your plans now. For updates, registration forms, audition tips, venue information and to submit an online audition, visit https://www.aegtusa.com
About Discover Dressage
Discover Dressage, founded by Kimberly Van Kampen, is a 501c3, supports and underwrites American Equestrian Got Talent. This fundraiser event supports the USEF Emerging Athlete Program for Dressage which develops youth riders who form the essential part of the USA’s pipeline to the medals. For more information about Discover Dressage, a Florida 501c3 nonprofit organization, go to www.discoverdressage.com. For more information about USEF’s Emerging Athlete Program for Dressage, go to www.usef.org.
AEGT Social Media Channels
Facebook: AmericanEquestriansGotTalent
Instagram: @aegt_usa
Youtube: @americanequestriansgotalentUSA